Earn up to $17 dollars per hour after 60 days
After 60 days, we’ll evaluate your performance and availability. Based on these and other factors, you’ll have the opportunity to earn up to $17 per hour. Each season you return, we’ll re-evaluate your performance and consider market conditions to make any necessary adjustments.
We don’t have specific employment requirements; we review applications on a case-by-case basis and offer various levels of employment.
Our Application & Onboarding Process:
- Complete the Employment Application: Start by clicking the link below.
- Online Assessment: Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll email you a link to complete an online assessment, which takes around 30 minutes.
- In-Person Interview: We always conduct in-person interviews to give you a chance to ask questions and learn more about Union Market. If you’re away at school, we’ll arrange a Zoom interview instead.
- Onsite Training: Training is onsite, generally lasting 10 hours or two shifts. During this time, you’ll be matched with a trainer and work alongside them.
- Final Check-Off: After training, we’ll conduct a final check-off to ensure you’re fully up to speed and that any remaining questions are answered.
EEO Statement: Union Market is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status.

What you will learn
Many jobs are comprised of completing the same task over and over again. Union Market provides a valuable opportunity to develop your skills and expand your knowledge in many different areas and aspect of small businesses. Here you won't be completing just one ask, such as running a cash register but rather being apart of a team that operates all aspects of the market. Along with learning about our products our staff develops these skills as well as many more.
No matter your stage in life, critical thinking and problem-solving are essential skills that we value and develop at Union Market. Unlike many jobs that follow a rigid operations manual, our work is dynamic—no two days are the same. Our offerings constantly evolve as products come in and out of season, and our selections and processes adapt to meet daily and weekly demands as well as special events.
Our team’s first question every shift is, “What do we have going on today?” This focus allows everyone to stay on top of deliveries, products, and preparations. To thrive here, team members need strong critical thinking skills and effective communication to keep pace with our ever-changing environment. As we say, “Work smarter, not harder.”
Whether you love it or hate it, working with the public is an essential skill. At Union Market, we’re fortunate to have a loyal and supportive customer base year after year. We place a strong emphasis on helping our staff build effective and confident customer service skills, providing ongoing training to meet our customers’ needs with proficiency and care.
As our business continually adapts, our customers often have questions and specific requests, like when certain products will be in season. Over time, we’ve successfully helped team members grow from hesitant communicators to confident, knowledgeable representatives. We’re here to help you develop those same skills in customer interaction and service excellence.
Our approach to teamwork is a bit different from the usual model. While many think of teamwork as everyone working on the same task together, we believe true teamwork is best achieved when each individual takes ownership of specific responsibilities. This structure enables us to manage the day’s flow effectively and ensures accountability.
For example, rather than assigning multiple people to check in a vendor, we designate one staff member as the point person for that task. This individual is solely responsible for overseeing the vendor’s arrival, check-in, and sign-off from start to finish. Others may assist as needed, but the primary responsibility—and accuracy—rests with that staff member. Similarly, team members are assigned to specific areas, like maintaining certain zones of the market or handling front-end operations.
Our model emphasizes personal responsibility within a team setting, creating a great opportunity for staff to enhance both teamwork and task management skills.
What people say about working here
"It's a chill job, I really enjoy the different the aspects of it. The One thing is, you have to be able to think and make smart decisions. I cannot tell you how many skills I have learned in this job over the years but, its crazy when I stop and think about it!"

Waytt McGirt
Appalachian State University
I loved my time working at the market, I was there for 3 seasons and it really was one of the best jobs of my life. They are really easy on scheduling, which is a must as a mother of 3 kiddos in school - I have never worked a job where they would give you so much time off"

Kelley Shelter
Mom of 3